What to Expect at Your Visit to
In Motion Therapy
(Especially The First One):
Before the Appointment:
1. First thing’s first: before you can be treated at our office, we require a doctor’s order. Once we receive that, usually sent via fax from the doctor’s office, we will call you—the patient—to set up an appointment. *If you have a particular physical therapist you’d like to see, please let us know at the time of scheduling. We will do our best to accommodate your wishes.
2. Your first appointment will be one hour in length. This is what we refer to as your initial evaluation. All proceeding appointments will be a half-hour in length.
3. Like all healthcare facilities, there is paperwork do be done before your first appointment. However, our administrative staff is glad to send all this information to you prior to your first visit, via email (the subject line will read: Physical Therapy Forms). There is also a questionnaire you need to fill out. This, too, can be completed prior to your first visit, and will be sent out as a second email (the subject line will read: Patient Inquiry, "In Motion Therapy Intake Patient Survey"). If, however, you chose not to fill out the forms, and questionnaire, ahead of time, please show up no later than half an hour before your scheduled appointment. (If your appointment is set for 11:30 a.m. please be to our office at 11:00 a.m.). It will take that long to complete everything. *Also, you will need to provide a valid photo ID and insurance card at the time of arrival.
- Paperwork isn’t just for first-timers though. At approximately every fifth appointment, we require patients to complete a re-evaluation questionnaire. This is our way of measuring your progress and assessing treatment. Again, these can be emailed to you and can be completed on your own time and at your own convenience.
4. Okay. You’re checked in. Forms are completed. What next? Now, it only remains for you to be seen by your physical therapist. Whoo!
During the Appointment:
1. Your first appointment will be primarily focused on information gathering. However, this information won’t be gleaned in the usual back-and-forth of mere dialogue, alone. Instead, our physical therapists will also spend that time assessing your neuromusculoskeletal structures and movements. Wait. What? Translation: they’ll be gathering information through their hands (this is also referred to as biomedical analysis—the study of human motion). As such, appointments may involve manual techniques such as: myofascial release, massage, and alignment corrections.
- The first appointment is about education—addressing the parts of the body not functioning properly, looking at postural imbalances, weakness and limitations to movement.
- Okay, we’ve done that neuromusculo-thingy. Now what? At this time, your physical therapist will create a professionally-designed, individualized exercise program specific to those needs.
- Future appointments will include continued postural and structural evaluations—with a concentration on restrictions in mobility compounded by treatments using manual therapy and guided exercises.
2. Expect to be included in the whole treatment process. Physical therapy is about teamwork. Expect homework (in the form of those exercises mentioned earlier). Remember, those exercises are just as vital—if not more so—when done routinely at home, as when performed in office. For best results: do them as instructed.
3. Be prepared for the possibility of soreness, especially after the first session. This is not unusual nor necessarily cause for concern. The body may become stiff or achy as it realigns and resets. (Friendly tip: stay hydrated with water!)
4. Lastly, please note that at In Motion Therapy, we’re motivated by the long-term solution instead of the band aid approach.
- Think of physical therapy like a multi-tiered process. It’s a common misconception that physical therapists are looking only to diminish pain in the body. While true, that way of thinking is too narrow in scope. Instead, physical therapists are looking to restore the parts of the body not working properly. Their work is motivated by restoring the body to an optimal state of health. Once they do, the body will naturally start to heal—and here it is!—that’s when the pain will diminish. Knowing that, be prepared for the possibility that physical therapy may not be a quick fix.
As always, we look forward to treating you,
Team In Motion!